Information Centre

Tourism Places

Here is a list of some touristic places in and around Chitwan district. Religious Places, Lakes, Waterfalls, Natural hangout Places and Many more.

Hotels And Resort

Here is a list of some Hotels and Resort in and around Chitwan district. Hotels, Coffee Shop, Party Palaces, Resorts, Street foods and Many more.

Educational Institutions

Here is a list of some Educational Institution in and around Chitwan district. Schools, College and Many more.

Banks And Financial Institution

Here is a list of some Banks And Financial Institution and Many more.

Hospitals and Health Centers

Here is a list of some Hospitals, Dental in and around Chitwan district.

Nepal Police Contact Details

Here is the detail contact numbers of Nepal Police.

ward secretary bharatput

Contact number of ward secretary of bharatpur metropolitan city

Location of ward office in bharatpur

google map links of ward office in bharatpur

Impotant Contact number of bharatpur

Here are some important contact numbers of bharatpur Metropolitian city,